Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Death of my puppies


You have a special place Dear Lord

that I know you'll always keep

A special place reserved for dogs

when they quietly fall asleep

With large and airy kennels

and a yard for hiding bones

With maybe a little babbling creek

that chatters over stones.

With wide green fields and flower

for those who never knew

about running freely under

Your sky of perfect blue.

Lord,I know You keep this Special Place

My tears dried up already
I couldn't cry anymore
I wish i never knew what my family know
I never want to hear any news at all
It's just very painful to know the fact
My puppies went to a better place

My dog MiuMiu gave birth to 2 puppies
All the people in my house only know that she gave birth to the white one
the one I named Prada.
It only could live for 6 hours
well the other one was born when no one saw it
My mum who was on the shop didn't know what had happen
It was born before Prada and it's black colour
I wish I could turn back the time
I wish I could safe them

When I received the call yesterday I was so happy...
I always wanted new puppies to accompany MiuMiu
I wish I could pretend that I don't have it
I wish that miracle happen to them
...and I also wish that I could pat them....
I wish I could call them and they would run to me
like what I always do to their mother

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